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How do I withdraw my lifetime ISA to buy my first home?
Written by Team Dodl
Updated over a week ago

Exciting times! 🏡 First up, you need to contact your solicitor or conveyancer (whoever’s handling the legal side of your house purchase). They'll ask you to complete a declaration to confirm you’re a first-time buyer, and they'll also complete their own declaration. They’ll then need to send these completed declarations to Dodl. If they're valid, your lifetime ISA money will be sent directly to your solicitor/conveyancer for your house deposit.

It may take up to 10 working days for this bank transfer to complete, so make sure you allow enough time.

☝ Before your money can be withdrawn, you'll need to have sold all of your investments and allowed enough time for the cash from your sales to arrive in your lifetime ISA (usually around 2–3 working days after your order is processed).

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