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What should I do when someone who has a Dodl account dies?
What should I do when someone who has a Dodl account dies?
Written by Team Dodl
Updated over a week ago

At Dodl, we'll do everything we can to help and support you at this difficult time.

To let us know someone with an existing Dodl account has died, please email us at In your email, please include the best phone number and email address to contact you on.

We'll then ask our bereavement team to get in touch with you as soon as possible. They'll be there to support you through the process of closing the Dodl account.

When you speak to the team, they'll just need to check some important details about the account holder. They'll also ask you to send over a certified copy of the death certificate, so it's worth getting this ready with your solicitor, accountant or adviser when possible.

We hope this process seems clear. But if you have any questions or need anything else from us at this time, our email again is

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